Learn the tools that changed my life—and my clients’ races.
My approach helped a client knock minutes off his full distance triathlon—when he thought it was impossible. Another client shaved 2 seconds from his monthly time trial with a single session the night before. If you’re in a rut, petrified of mediocrity or want to perform at your best, my athlete coaching services are your answer.
Meet some of my athletes:
Basic Program
Train your brain to outlast your competition.
Scientifically backed app-based (iPhone and iPad only) cognitive training drills designed to increase your mental resilience, focus and capacity to withstand fatigue, so you’ll outthink, out-last and out-perform your competition. I’ll track and analyse your data to ensure you’re progressing.
✓ Bespoke monthly Brain Endurance Training program
✓ Initial one-hour video coaching session
✓ 20-minute weekly check-in call
✓ Unlimited email and WhatsApp support Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm
✓ Weekly 1 hour open office via video
✓ Guaranteed results of increased performance if program followed directly
£2,400 for a 6 month programme
£4,800 for 12 month programme
One month cancellation notice
Schedule a 20-minute call below to discuss your requirements and get started with your Brain Endurance Training.
Weekly Enhancement Coaching
Master your mindset to truly conquer.
In this recurring service, Adelaide conditions your mind to succeed in your training, race, career and family!
With tried-and-tested techniques used on her championship clients, you’ll learn how to rewire your brain to complement your training, improve your well being, and push yourself further than you thought possible.
✓ Initial two-hour video coaching session
✓ Bespoke Brain Endurance Training program
✓ Weekly 1 hour mindset coaching session
✓ 20-minute weekly check-in call for Brain Endurance Training
✓ Unlimited support via email or WhatsApp support Monday to Friday 9am-5.30pm
✓ Customised supporting materials specifically to improve YOUR performance and happiness including one audio meditation and/or visualisation
✓ Weekly 1 hour open office via video for Brain Endurance Training
✓ Guaranteed results of increased performance if program followed directly
£2,400 for 4 month programme
One month cancellation notice
Schedule a 20-minute call below to discuss your requirements and get started with coaching and Brain Endurance Training.
As a mindset coach, I know a lot about athletes.
In 2019, Allan Hovda set a Norwegian Ironman record by five minutes.
After working with me, my client Allan Hovda set a new Ironman course record for Norwegian athletes by over 5 minutes.
“Adelaide is incredible. The day before my World Championships when I needed help to control my escalating nerves, she came to the rescue. Using specialist mindset techniques, she refocused my thinking, in her wonderfully calm and relaxed manner. She also showed me a slightly different kind of visualisation process. She worked her magic as I walked away with a world title.”
“Adelaide has helped me find a better balance between family, work and triathlon. I’ve seen progress in managing stress in life and ensuring focus on the right task at the right time. Adelaide’s coaching has helped me focus on a growth mindset in both sport and life.”
“Working with Adelaide helped me to define the key aspects of my current work role, allowed me to fully focus on these areas enabled me to become more productive and efficient in my day to day job and freed time to focus on my personal development. Reframing my thinking and the way I speak to myself about key aspects of my personal and professional life has allowed me to achieve my goals and feel much more fulfilled. I still regularly use the tools I have learnt that have now become invaluable to me.”
“Adelaide has been a blessing to our paraclimbing athlete team. Many of our athletes have reported an increased awareness in competitions, calmer nerves and improved performance. And they have said they could not have performed as well without her. I agree.”
“When I started coaching with you, I had already signed up for my first triathlon but was lacking confidence on the bike and in open water swimming. I now love cycling with my club and in the open water - can’t wait to tackle my half Ironman this year!”
“We triathletes know that we can train our muscles, our heart, lungs, gut, work economy, swim, bike and run technique.
The better and more structured training, the better the result will be. Why should we treat our brain differently?
At every race I reach a point where the physical fatigue is so high, that I question why I force myself through the pain and continue pushing.
It is at these critical moments, that it’s important to have your mental game plan ready. Why should you continue to push through? What mindset techniques work best to unlock your full potential?
Together with Adelaide Goodeve, I’ve tried an arsenal of mindset techniques. Some had small effect others moderate, a few however, made a really big gain. And those are the ones we continue to refine and improve.
If you do find yourself with a feeling of not being able to fulfil your potential, then get in touch with Adelaide and see if she can help you out.”
“I’ve been working with Coach Adelaide for about a year and a half now. It’s been an awesome experience and it’s helped a lot with my mental strength going into competitions.
The two biggest things that have helped the most have been when I’m feeling nervous, Adelaide has taught me how to anchor a calming feeling to the colour blue. So I find the colour blue before and during competitions, and it helps me really calm down.
When I have negative self talk, Adelaide has taught me a way to lock it away in this trunk and forget about it.
These have been two humongous things that have helped so much with my competitions!”
“I started working with Adelaide just two weeks before the national championships. We’ve been working together for 6 months since then and I’ve been experienced a huge transformation. Coming to the world championships I feel very prepared. Going into each climb, the nerves are very difficult.
When I was climbing at nationals, I was nervous and didn’t really feel like I was climbing my best. However, with all of the tips that she’s given me, I’ve really been able to perform at my best at world’s and definitely very appreciative for all of the coaching and advice that she’s provided.
One of the things that we talk about a lot in climbing, is that it’s equal parts, technique, rank and mental. Technique and strength are easy to train for, but the mental aspect isn’t so much and with Adelaide’s help it’s really given me the tools that I need to develop that aspect of my climbing, so I can’t recommend her highly enough. It’s very beneficial.”
“Adelaide was a tremendous help in coaching me towards one of my biggest goals. I had seen my many previous attempts not coming to fruition as ‘failures’. Adelaide helped me reframe how I looked at each attempt as a wonderful life learning lesson.
From there we mapped out my goal and how to chunk it down into small, achievable steps. I now have a roadmap for achieving this long-awaited dream and more confidence than ever!” ”
“I think I had such an amazing mental experience during worlds [Adaptive Climbing World Championships] due to the work I had done with Adelaide.”
I’ve probably answered it before here. If you haven't found what you're looking for, then do contact me.
Every athlete would benefit from a mindset coach. Let’s talk.
I want to hear more about your performance goals and answer any questions you have. To ensure you feel comfortable with our partnership, I offer a complimentary call with all potential clients to see if it’s a good fit.
I also help companies meaningfully connect with their audience.
Outside of coaching and working one-on-one with my clients, I often advise businesses on how to effectively market to athletes. To learn more about how I’ve helped others and how I can help you, click below.