I’ve hit rock bottom more times than I can count—and I’ve clawed my way back to the top EVERY time. I’m here to show you how you can too.

You know that cliché about the light at the end of the tunnel? I'm living proof it's real.

I used to be that girl - the one who spent more time in bed than out of it, trapped in a cycle of chronic fatigue and debilitating PMDD.

On my "good" days, I'd muster up the energy to bake brownies with my mum, wondering if I'd ever reclaim my wildest dreams of skiing across icy polar landscapes—dreams that felt impossible.

I'm here to tell you I achieved my wildest dreams and more. And no, I didn't have some fairytale transformation - it was messy, it was hard, and at times I wanted to give up. 

But I kept going. And now I've helped over 500 high achievers reclaim their health, achieve their biggest goals, and step into the badass adventures they too once thought were impossible. 

Here’s how it all began

For years, I felt trapped in a nightmare with severe chronic fatigue syndrome, stuck in bed, struggling with everyday tasks and leaving the house was often impossible.

But everything changed when I made the decision to reclaim my destiny.

It all began when London’s leading specialist delivered the grim news that I would be confined to bed for life.

In that moment, something inside me ignited a fierce refusal to accept that fate—I was determined to find a way to fully heal.

Fast forward a couple of years, and I enrolled in a brain training program. I was filled with hope, yet part of me couldn’t shake the thought, "This is too good to be true."

In just three days, everything shifted.

I had my lightbulb moment: negative self-talk had been keeping me stuck with chronic fatigue.

Once I caught onto that limiting pattern, I learned to interrupt those negative neuropathways and instead build the ones that led to energy, vitality, and strength. 

Our brains are incredibly adaptable, and the key to unlocking their power is brain training.

By reprogramming your brain, you can reshape your life. For me, the transformation was immediate; within a day, I was filled with energy and ready to socialize—something I hadn’t been able to do just days before.

And I’ve never looked back. I’ve lived and traveled all over the world, trained in psychology, and am now building my dream life in Norway alongside my wild-spirited husky, Woolfie.

In The Basement (again)

Recently, I faced another significant challenge: PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), which left me feeling lost and drowning in debilitating symptoms.

After being dismissed by various doctors, I chose to trust my instincts and delve deeper into the mind-body connection.

I began working with two powerful multi-dimensional healers, confronting my deepest fears and self-sabotaging beliefs, while learning to process the darker emotions that fueled suicidal thoughts and depression.

This 1+ year transformative journey has led me to a place of inner peace and health, where I enjoy periods I barely notice and a body that thrives in adventure mode.

However, like all personal growth journeys, this isn’t a one-and-done process. I continue to work with a healer to unblock any stuckness and explore deeper layers of my healing.

The Wild Collective

The Wild Collective is everything I once wished for—and is everything I love, all in one place.

This isn’t just another program; it’s the place where female leaders rise together to unlock their full potential, fuelled by proven mindset strategies & nature’s magic touch.

As someone who once felt like I didn’t have a supportive community to belong, I am so grateful to have created one for the most epic female leaders out there! That I too can be a part of, and feel incredibly honoured to lead.

The Wild Collective is a 12-month transformative journey like no other for inspiring female leaders. Membership is application-only to ensure a perfect fit, creating a strong, supportive community of like-minded women. You’re welcome to join at any time and be part of this life-changing experience!

Helping my clients achieve big wins:

✨Securing pay raises
✨Landing dream jobs
✨Reaching peak sports performance
✨Deepening relationships
✨Gaining more time for their passions
✨Conquering major life goals—from epic adventures to thriving in entrepreneurship.

If you're serious about achieving peak success in your career and life, it starts with your brain.

By harnessing science-backed brain training, you have the power to transform your inner world—and that’s where the real magic begins. As your mindset shifts, your outer world will follow suit.

But the joy isn’t just in reaching your goals — it’s in the journey. We make sure to have a lot of fun along the way!

Are you ready to reach new heights in your career and life with clarity, confidence, and freedom—all while being supported by a sisterhood of extraordinary women?

Your next level of success doesn't require another sacrifice.

The Wild Collective is here to guide you in breaking free from limiting beliefs and outdated patterns, so you can:

  • Scale your career WITHOUT burning out or sacrificing what matters most

  • Build UNSHAKABLE CONFIDENCE in your leadership

  • Set healthy boundaries WITHOUT the guilt

  • Achieve MORE by doing LESS

  • Spend more TIME on what truly brings you JOY

Don’t wait—your next level is calling. Let’s get started!

Take the Next Bold Step

I’m offering a free 20-minute career strategy session where we’ll dive into your goals, overcome any obstacles, and create a plan to help you achieve even more.

If you're ready to fast-track your success, I’d love to chat!

Schedule your free call here and let’s take this journey to the next level!