[S2E13] How To Overcome Fear in 6 Steps with Adelaide Goodeve


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“We need to learn how to overcome fear and not let it stop us.”

Fear is universal.

The triathlete fears a DNF or Did Not Finish, the entrepreneur fears their business failing, the business woman fears going for that promotion, the businessman changing career, the speaker fears that no one will like their talk.

We all fear failure when going after our goals and dreams. We don’t want to risk bellyflopping if we try something that stretches our comfort zone.

I’m here to tell you that fear is completely natural and often a good thing.

It’s a feeling and emotional state that we sometimes experience, just like happiness, inner peace & confidence.

Fear is an integral part of being human, as it helps keep us alive by protecting us from potential threats and dangers, like telling us to run from dinosaurs all those thousands of years ago!

However, as I’ve just mentioned, in our world today, fear can crop up in unhelpful ways.

It often prevents us from going after what we really want and living a life we love.

So in certain circumstances, we need to learn how to overcome fear, use it to our advantage and not let it stop us.

Like adventurer and podcaster Sarah Williams said in Season 1 Episode 1 of The Wild Show, it’s about owning and facing your fear, not letting fear own and control you.

Do you want to overcome your fear?


I will now go through with you a process that involves 6 easy steps and it will take you from fearing the thing that is stopping you achieving your goal, to feeling excited and happy about achieving your goal!

Before we continue just have that something in mind and as we go along, change how you feel about it, you may need to pause the audio or you can read the blog, the link is included in the show notes.

If you are going to change how you feel about something, I suggest doing it somewhere quiet and sitting down.

Would you like to read the 6 steps too? Then click here.

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Show Notes

[0-1.08] Introduction

[1.08-3.23] Introduction to fear: what fear is and why it’s important

[3.23- 9.50] The 6 steps to overcoming fear

[9.50-10.52] Where to find the steps and connect with me

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Big thanks to Rob Lawrenceand Mattfor production, audio engineering and for helping me make Season 2 become a reality :)

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