At last, the coaching experience you've been craving, that supports you as a mountain-loving leader in creating the life of your dreams.

You’ve finally realised that you can have it all - health, happiness, inner peace, freedom, adventure and a fulfilling career.

You’re ready to dedicate yourself to this next era.


Maybe you're fed up of feeling so wiped from the daily grind of your career?

Or that your love life is suffering as you struggle to keep your head above the water?

Or your passion has taken the hit as you’re trying to survive the stress and fatigue?

And maybe you're…

  • Done with being on or on the edges of sick leave

  • Fed up of being stressed out

  • Done with people pleasing

  • So over feeling like you’re a negative person

  • Ready to get off the emotional rollercoaster

  • Fed up of feeling like you’re always tired

  • No longer willing to put up with unfair treatment, toxic relationships and feeling powerless

  • Done with feeling like a magnet for shitty things

Of you’re…

  • Trying really hard in your relationship, but feel like it’s not supporting your needs

  • Beating yourself up that you’re not showing up as your best self

  • Doing so much self-doubt around what you can achieve that you’re constantly sabotaging yourself

  • Feel guilty for not being the kind of parent you desperately want to be

  • Frustrated and sad that the inner work you are doing doesn’t get you your desired results 

  • Left feeling alone, sad and disappointed as you’re confused about why you feel the way you do

  • But... your healing work seems to come last....because you're spending all day just trying to survive instead!

What if all of this could change?

What if changing the way you thought, was the key to loving your life like never before?

HEAL your inner wounds


EMBODY your power

You have one life, it’s now, let’s play it BIG and have FUN!

Squash falconer, adventurer, world record holder and speaker

Explore how my clients won BIG:

  • Pushed beyond their assumed athletic boundaries, reaching new personal bests they set 6+ years ago

  • Embarked on their dream Arctic adventure, savoring every joyful moment

  • Landed a new job with a £12K pay rise AND multiple amazing benefits

  • A speaker, once doubting their success, secured 5+ bookings in a single month and now flying all over Europe for talks

  • Landed their dream job after being headhunted for their exceptional skills

  • CEO of the company they almost quit 4 years previously

  • Transformed from self-criticism and negativity to consistent happiness, success, and optimal family presence

  • Generated €5,000+ more in revenue within a few months by reshaping beliefs and thoughts surrounding money

  • Overcame his impossible: became self-employed after redundancy and now earning more per month


Maybe you’ve also wondered…

  • How is it possible to grow a successful career AND be healthy AND do my passions AND cultivate good relationships at the same time?

  • Is there enough space for motherhood/parenthood AND my career AND myself?

  • How can I cultivate a relationship that meets MY needs?

  • How can I create a life I find AWE-INSPIRING?

  • How can I FREE myself from the negative loops I keep finding myself in?

  • How can I claim and live in my power, and be soft and loving?

  • How can I pursue my passion to the level I desire?


Finally a safe place where you can heal, nurture and expand your career, relationships AND your passions.

Live: Peacefully and compassionately reclaim and stand in your power - this is your era

Love: Heal your inner wounds and conflicts, and fall back in love with yourself and your life

Laugh: Have joyful experiences and fun on your transformational adventure :)

Wild: Unleash the wild within you, optimise your performance (in your sport or adventure) and be fully and uniquely you

Each month you will receive:

Access to our flagship program: Elevate Your Life. Our living 7-module program that’s helped over 500 individuals transform their lives for more than 3 years. By living, we mean it’s always being added to and updated by Adelaide, ensuring it’s always getting better and better.

1X Live, Love & Lead: Up to 90-minute Hot Seat Call. Your fun monthly opportunity for expansive and activating hot-seat sessions; everyone gets a chance to be in the hot seat to bring your challenges and receive wisdom from both myself and your fellow wild ones, supporting one another and connecting to one another’s visions. 

1X Wild Card. Each month Adelaide will decide what wild card we play, from online group challenges to 1x up to 90-minute workshop with Adelaide. This all depends on what our collective soul is calling for and we’ll create something to help our mind, soul and life soar.

1X Visualise: Pre-Recorded or Live Visualisation Session with Adelaide. Turning to nature for inspiration, we’ll go on a journey together into our minds to let go of what needs to be released and step into what we need to embody.

Access to The Wild Collective App. For Elevate Your Life, networking, conversations, celebrations, guidance, hours of recordings and more.

Weekly Accountability. Helping you stay committed to your personal growth, goals and aspirations.


Step Into The Wild Collective

I want you to finally take your healing seriously and put yourself first, join us for 6-months or 1-year. Choose your plan (prices in NOK):


  • Pay Monthly: 6X monthly payments of 21,000 NOK.

  • Pay In Full: 1X payment of 120,000 NOK (save 6,000NOK). AND RECIEVE: 1X 1-1 with Adelaide: A 90-minute deep dive with Adelaide into love, life, leadership and your passion.


  • Pay Monthly: 12X monthly payments of 20,000 NOK.

  • Pay In Full: 1X payment of 230,000 NOK (save 10,000 NOK). AND RECIEVE: 3X 1-1 with Adelaide: A 90-minute deep dive with Adelaide into love, life, leadership and your passion.


Our Adventure Together

During your time inside The Wild Collective, we will adventure through breaking outdated ways of thinking and being; dance between soul and brain strategies, routines and intuition, purpose and pleasure, expansion and release; embark on revitalizing challenges; continue to nurture and elevate ourselves, our career and our passion.

We will journey through and learn about:

MODULE 1. Language Alchemy 

What would it be like to eliminate all the excuses that hold you back? To be able to quieten and slow your mind amid running negative thoughts? To transform your inner dialogue into a source of empowerment, guiding you to achieve your goals? To fully channel your energy and effort toward evolving into the person you genuinely aspire to be?

Language is at the very heart of change-making. We will teach you how to break free from the shackles you’ve accidentally created in your mind, to break that endless tug of war within you and become a magnet for the thoughts, feelings and experiences of THE best kind!

MODULE 2. Understanding Change To Elevate Your Life

We embark on a profound exploration of the very essence of change and alignment, and how to tap into YOUR intuitive superpower. 

We peel back the layers, diving deep into the fundamental questions: What is change? Where and when does it occur? How do we recognize the need for change, and most importantly, how does our remarkable brain facilitate this process? 

Tapping into your intuition, trusting yourself and connecting to your Highest Self is an important part of transformation. You’ll begin to understand how to use your intuition as guide, so you no longer second guess the decisions you make in life, love, career, and passion, and finally feel aligned and grounded in your forward movement.

MODULE 3. Unleash Your Potential

What do you desire in life, love, career and passion right now? Desire isn’t something we just ‘want’, it’s a fire that burns deep within us. 

But often it’s our limiting beliefs that get in the way of awakening these dreams into our reality. They act like invisible chains holding you back from reaching your full potential.

We will be uncovering the sneaky influence of your beliefs on your ability to get to wherever you want to go. Overcoming them is as easy as you believe and oh-so-rewarding. Get ready for the ride of a lifetime as we help you pave the way for fresh new beliefs that bring you empowerment, growth, positivity, and endless possibilities!

MODULE 4. Unlocking Your Core Identities

Your power comes from knowing WHO you are.

If you’re stuck in perpetual cycles of fatigue, negativity, stress, overwhelm, over giving and then resenting, this will be transformational for you. We will reveal and heal how you may have fallen into misaligned patterns, making it near impossible to be the person you want to be.

Transforming your limiting identities is like giving your life a turbo boost! These identities, often lurking in the shadows, holding you back from reaching your full potential, satisfaction and fulfillment. But when we shed them like old skins, magic happens!

By ditching those “I am not worthy/deserving“ or "I'm not good enough" kind of identities, we clear the runway for big change. Suddenly, we're not shackled by self-doubt or fear. Instead, we reclaim our power, ready to take on the world! 

MODULE 5. Living Your Aligned Life 

Mapping out your goals in alignment with your highest self is like embarking on an awe-filled journey towards a life filled with wonder, purpose and joy.

As you intentionally create a roadmap that reflects your deepest desires and values, you illuminate your path to personal growth and soul-stirring adventures

With each step, you are propelled forward by unwavering focus, boundless motivation, and steadfast accountability, ensuring that every action resonates with your authentic self and leads you closer to realizing your dreams.

Together, let's weave a tapestry of goals that harmonize with your highest self, unveiling a world brimming with fulfilment, inner peace, beautiful love, and inspiring adventures.

MODULE 6. Morning Magic 

Embark on the captivating journey of sculpting your mornings with transformative rituals, crafted to infuse each day with joy, purpose, and tranquility. Through consistent practices woven into your morning routine with ease, seize the power to prime your mind and spirit for triumph every day.

These rituals stand as brilliant pillars, anchoring you amidst life's whirlwind, while ensuring you stay aligned with your authentic best self and goals.

- and just to clarify, we're not the 5AM club. Our aim is to help you tailor your mornings to suit your needs, helping you create greater space, time, and flow in your daily life.

MODULE 7. Evening Sanctuary

What would it be like to transform your evenings into moments of serenity, purpose, and positivity? To sleep deeply and soundly so you’re fully ready for the next day?

By integrating consistent practices into your evening routine, you'll harness the ability to prepare your mind and soul for not only a blissful nights sleep, but also conclude your day with a sense of fulfillment and greet the next day with calm excitement. 

Let us lead you in embracing your evenings as nurturing havens for self-care, reflection, and self-love, paving the path toward personal evolution and fulfillment.


Inside The Wild Collective, we do embodied, integrated and holistic mind work:

  • We do NOT do burnt out hustling, prioritizing goals above health, or rushing the inner work.

  • We do NOT compromise integrity, intuition, or embodiment in the name of putting ourselves last.

  • You can learn at your own pace and there’s no minimum amount of time needed.

  • Heal and grow in the privacy of your own home. The Wild Collective is a safe home space away from social media.

  • Connect with like-minded people who are also a little wild as they go after their goals and dreams.


Go VIP 😎

Are you already a high flying mountain lover with your career and making 6 figures or more?

Are you craving a much more intimate space with Adelaide? If you desire a more inner-circle vibe, then VIP is for you!

Apply for VIP which will include an all-access pass to The Wild Collective with a 1-1 coaching twist.

6-Month VIP Pass:

✨ 2X up to 90-minute mindset healing and strategy sessions every month for neurological enhancement and mindset guidance

✨ Option to swap 1 healing and strategy session for a Transforming Visualisation Live and/or Recorded Session every month

✨ Plus 2X Transforming Visualisation Live and/or Recorded Sessions over 6 months

✨ All calls are recorded so you can listen back

✨ 1-1 Signal access 3 days a week for when you need to ask questions, brainstorm or need support 

✨ PDF summary of our call, tasks, tools and any necessary information

✨ Mindset support for important events (e.g. when you go into a big meeting, TV appearance or competition)

✨ 2-3x Day In-Person VIP experience in Norway (or agreed location) (excludes everything apart from coaching, I can help with organisation/planning)

✨ Full access to The Wild Collective for 6 months

✨ 20% Discount on The Wild Collective if you renew after 6-months

✨ Bonus add-on at discounted additional cost: transformational workshops for your team

Choose your 6-month payment plan:

  • Pay Monthly: 6X monthly payments of 58,000 NOK.

  • Pay In Full: 333,000 NOK (save 21,000NOK)


Pål, team leader & archer

Meet some of my clients and the results they’ve experienced

I have learned an awful lot from Adelaide, especially around how I was essentially self sabotaging myself, telling myself things which weren’t ever going to enhance my performance and almost derailing myself.

I’ve managed to put a stop to the majority of that kind of negative self talk.

I’ve also worked with Adelaide to set performance goals in my career, sport and relationships.

We have looked at how I want to live my life on on a day-to-day basis and created a vision for that.

I have come away feeling a lot more happy and confident in what I’m doing, finding it easier to make decisions about what I want to do and what comes next for me.

I’m feeling and living my life being happier, healthier and more consistent in my daily habits.
— Cat Hine, University Lecturer and Athlete

Last year I was at a point where I felt that my training had plateaued, that I wasn’t seeing any further results despite training every day and doing everything according to plan.

So after I met Adelaide, I thought that the next big thing, and actually should have been the first to be honest, is my mindset.

So speaking with her, I learned some techniques to how I should change the way I talk to myself, the way I set goals and the way I structure my mind in general.

She will teach you very simple and useful techniques.

I can speak for some results for myself that for example, I improved 30 minutes in my 70.3 time, I broke every other PR that I had on my list despite being years older and more importantly in my life, I felt more confident I I had a new job.
— Ives, Financial Director and Triathlete

Archery is a very mental game and I was struggling keeping focus, doing the right things.

Adelaide taught me to keep things simple and easy, what things to stop and how to focus and do the right tasks.

I think through everything and learn more about what I’m doing and how.

I am more relaxed when shooting and have tools to handle stuff better. In competitions for example, it’s simpler to do things now than it was before.

You will learn about yourself and how you should do things.
— Pål, Senior Team Leader and Archer

Questions? If you haven't found what you're looking for here, do get in touch.