Let's take a thorough look at exactly where you want to get your team to. In this kickoff service, we'll take inventory of where your team are getting stuck, your team’s greatest challenges and struggles, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked, and their accomplishments, goals and dreams, to create a roadmap for bringing your dream Champion team into reality.


01 | Surveys & Interviews

This can take up to 3-weeks as we dive deep.

First, I will chat with the coach or leader/s for up to 90-minutes to understand what the key problems are and desired outcomes.

Second, a thoughtful in-depth questionnaire is sent to all members.

A bonus option for even more depth, is to follow this up with member interviews, conducted by either myself or leader/coach.


02 |

I’ll spend up to 90 minutes on Zoom with the coach/leader/key decision makers to discuss my findings - your team’s stuckness, goals, challenges, opportunities and solutions. Then, we’ll determine a plan of action to help your team start creating major positive transformations and shifts.


03 |

Following the champion coaching consultation, I’ll provide a detailed performance audit recap that articulates our discoveries, recommended strategies and gets everything down on paper in a impactful PDF.

Think of this stage as creating a road map for your team’s transformation journey.


04 |

We'll work with you to plan out the next steps for transforming your team into the best they can be, including collaborating with me.


This Champion Audit is all about your team. We'll use this audit to identify where your team getting stuck, where you want to get your team and make recommendations to help you get quick results. Investment starts from £1111 depending on the number of team members and the depth you want to go.


Worked with a scottish league football to provide them in-depth look at where they’re really stuck, where they want to get to and strategies to get them there


Leaders and coaches have said that my Champion Audit has helped them uncover hidden issues and transform their team. After our 90-minute Zoom call, you'll receive an impactful PDF within 10 days that are completely tailored to your team’s specific needs. You’ll receive a personalised workbook with the following:

  • Summary of the challenges, stuckness, mindset, issues, dreams and goals of your team and individual members.

  • Identifying and pinpointing key, deep-rooted areas of stuckness. Not the symptoms you notice, but the limited beliefs, identities and issues that create your team’s operating system and individual members’ neurological hardware. So you know what you need to remove, release and install.

  • Defining and capturing the version of your ultimate team, so you have a clear vision and intention of where your team and players are now, and where you need to get to.

  • Based on the audit results, I’ll highlight to you the key areas they need evolving and why.

  • Where appropriate, either in the interview or PDF, I’ll recommend my most powerful tried-and-tested brain training strategies that will specifically help you remove limiting neuropathways and unconscious programming, and activate and strengthen the neurology that will maximise performance.

  • The performance audit recap is a lot of information, so I’ll make it easy for you to know what comes next for your team’s ultimate champion journey. We’ll also include a custom quote to continue collaborating based on our discussion.



Sports Team Audit + Road Map Example




I’ve probably answered them before. If you haven't found what you're looking for here, don’t hesitate to get in touch

  • Yes. A mechanic can't fix a car without popping the hood, and a performance coach can't advise without evaluating where’s the stuckness, where exactly do you want your team to get to, and what’s working (and what isn't).

    My audit consultation is a critical part of the team transformation process.

    It ensures we're clear on your team’s goals, prioritizing the right strategies, and mapping out a plan of action for massive shifts.

    You'll get a feel for our working dynamic (and vice versa) so we can collaborate at our very best once we start deeply reprogramming your brain and transforming your life.

    The session will also give you a clear picture of your stuckness and where you are —from language, beliefs, and recommended reprogramming strategies—that will make you one step closer to the team you want to become.

  • I do everything I can to make the performance audit as useful as possible. Not only is the performance audit an analysis, but it’s a centralized vision for your dream team and includes exercises you can do to extend your audit.