Brain Endurance Training for Athletic Performance: What it is and How it works
/In a meeting with Olympiaparken, Lillehammer about athletic performance, I had an epiphany.
I realised that all of the athletes and coaches I’ve been speaking with, have asked me the same two questions:
1. What exactly is Brain Endurance Training?
2. How does Brain Endurance Training increase an athlete’s performance?
I will answer these two questions in a 5-part blog series, which will explain how Brain Endurance Training (BET), when used correctly, increases cognitive and physical performance for any athlete, in any sport.
This week, I’m introducing you to Brain Endurance Training for athletes. Next week, we’ll dive deeper and look at Why Mental Fatigue Destroys Performance. Sign up to my BET email list so you don’t miss anything!
“Assuming physical prep is equal, if we make correct choices to pass, shoot and defend, then we will prevail.
If they consistently outthink us, it won’t matter if we can bench-press more weight or run a faster forty-yard dash: we may win the battle of conditioning but lose the war on the field.
A finely tuned world-class physique cannot weave a puck through four defenders or place a ball in the top corner of the goal without the intricate set of commands needed from the brain. Yet, we spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to grow muscle and increase speed when the payoff would be much greater by focusing on cognitive instructions and decision-making quickness.”
Introduction To Brain Endurance Training
Brain Endurance Training (BET) is cognitive training in the form of technology-based drills, specifically and deliberately designed to fatigue the brain.
BET is based on the scientific principle that when the brain is fatigued in this way, the brain will create the right adaptions to increase the athlete’s resilience and resistance towards the sense of fatigue.
The sense of fatigue is generated in certain areas of the brain, which means the sense of fatigue you experience after a hard training session or from a long day at work, is generated in the same areas of the brain.
And when BET is used correctly, it targets those certain parts of the brain with specific cognitive training drills, re-wiring the brain for increased resilience and resistance against the sense of fatigue, and subsequently improves physical performance.
BET benefits physical performance, because it gives athletes a greater mental capacity to handle greater physical load for longer periods of time.
BET Athletes will likely tolerate:
MORE fatigue
MORE pain
MORE breathlessness
MORE pressure
BET Athletes will probably be distracted
LESS by temperature
LESS by noise
LESS by competitors
LESS by jeering
LESS by smack talk
BET Athletes will presumably be LESS discouraged by mistakes.
BET Athletes will also likely:
Make LESS mistakes
MAINTAIN sharper focus and concentration for longer
BETTER manage emotions in competition setting
PREDICT play better
MORE resilient to things outside of their control impacting their performance e.g. travel disruptions
HOLD technique for longer
BET is a highly effective tool when integrated with physical training to increase resilience and enhance neurocognitive ability to endure and sustain higher levels of performance during any sport. In a world where minutes and milliseconds count, BET can give you the edge on the competition and make the difference between coming out on top or not, achieving your potential or falling short.