[S1E0] Adelaide Goodeve on why I started this podcast


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Hey there, thank you so much for coming to listen to my very first podcast episode!

In this episode, I really wanted to share with you my story and why I’ve created The Lilly Wild Show, to help you to unleash your best self.

I am open and honest with you, sharing things that I’ve never shared before....

I talk about my journey to achieving the impossible

During my late teens and early twenties I suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and other chronic conditions that left me in some embarrassing situations.

Doctors told me I would never recover and my health would likely to deteriorate further. I refused to accept this.

While I was sick, my passion for self-mastery and adventure was ignited.

I discovered and experimented with nutrition, habits and practices to get my health back.

And was driven by my deep desire to embark on epic adventures - inspired by Scott of the Antarctic, Frank Wild, Belinda Kirk and Al Humphreys.

I fully recovered in 3 days using a powerful combination of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and Life Coaching.

These tools empowered me to re-wire my brain for success - the transformation was instantaneous.

It's been a roller coaster ride over the last few years...

But as Steve Jobs said, you can connect the dots back and trust in the universe to connect them forward -- Talking to you today in this episode, I connect my dots back.

In This Episode You'll Learn

- Who I am and my journey so far

- How I overcame Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

- My mission with the Show

- The questions I asked myself that changed my life

Selected Links From The Episode

Find Me, Adelaide Goodeve, here

Facebook / Instagram / Join the free Facebook community:  The Lilly Wild Tribe

Other mentions The Lightning Process by Phil Parker / Rich Roll